Discussion on Proposed Water Security Bill for Right to Life

This discussion had eminent panelists such as Mr Madhav Chitale, Dr Vikram Soni, Mr Rajendra Singh and Mr Sanjay Singh. They proposed draft River Conservation Act, 2015, to empower citizens and the local-water bodies to discharge their responsibility to protect, conserve and restore all water bodies for ensuring the ecological and economic security of India. The clauses included in the bill, importance of bill and the need to implement it, was discussed.

From Left: Ms P N Vasanti (DG, CMS), Dr Madhav Chitale (Water Management expert ), Mr Rajendra Singh (Stockholm Water Prize Laureate), Dr Vikram Soni (Professor of Physics, Jamia Millia Islamia), Dr N B Rao (Chairman, CMS)

From Left: Ms P N Vasanti (DG, CMS), Dr Madhav Chitale (Water Management expert ), Mr Rajendra Singh (Stockholm Water Prize Laureate), Dr Vikram Soni (Professor of Physics, Jamia Millia Islamia), Dr N B Rao (Chairman, CMS)

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