Co-host: The Asia Foundation
Sagar Prasai, Country Representative, The Asia Foundation
Shawahiq Siddiqui, Environmental Lawyer, Advisor and Consultant, Bureau of Research on Industry & Economic Fundamentals (BRIEF)
Uttam Kumar Sinha, Research Fellow, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
Moderator: Joydeep Gupta, South Asia Director, The Third Pole
This panel discussion, co-hosted with The Asia Foundation, enhanced the understanding of participants on cooperation issues in South Asia with a focus on the Himalayan river systems. The discussion highlighted water as a complex resource linked with other securities, requiring national, international and sub-national management and a multilateral approach. India-China and India-Nepal relations and water issues were discussed. The panel emphasized the need for sharing of stories and exchange of information including those on infrastructure projects that could affect downstream areas.

From Left: Mr Joydeep Gupta (The Third Pole), Mr Shawahiq Siddiqui (Bureau of Research on Industry and Economic Fundamentals), Dr Uttam Kumar Sinha (Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis), Dr Sagar Prasai (The Asia Foundation), Ms Isabel Hilton (China Dialogue).